If we are talking about the idea itself, then of course the pack isn’t really new in terms of its concept. CreatorPack is a stunning resource pack that we’re certainly glad is released. This time creatorLabs desided to create their own default themed pack, and let’s be honest, they did it very well. First of all, it was created by them same team who designed 3D CreatorCraft and 3D Seasons packs.
There are a few reasons why CreatorPack resource pack became popular in a short period of time. It was designed by creatorLabs team and without forgetting to regularly update their previous packs, they worked hard and works to this day to develop packs like this. CreatorPack is a resource pack for minecraft that, at the time of writing this, has only been out for a few days and it’s already received quite a bit of attention and praise from the minecraft community.