The 2005 CG film is directed by directed by Tetsuya Nomura, written by Kazushige Nojima and produced by Yoshinori Kitase and Shinji Hashimoto. Cloud and Tifa must also defeat Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo, the physical manifestations of Sephiroth’s surviving spirit who are trying to recruit kids with Geostigma and revive Sephiroth. Cloud isolates himself due to the guilt he feels from being unable to save Aerith, while many citizens (including Cloud and Denzel, the orphan he and Tifa take care of) find out that they are suffering from an unknown disease called Geostigma that has no cure. A spinoff of Final Fantasy VII, Advent Children takes place two years after the events of the game and is set in the new city of Edge - founded by the survivors of Midgar after Meteor destroys it.
The upcoming remaster will use the 2009 director’s cut with about 26 additional minutes and will debut in an upgraded HDR10 resolution, Dolby panoramic sound and 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio.